
Domus is a 40m Trimaran Concept With An Aim To Be Completely Emission-free

馃摪 article#superyacht#eco#emission-free
Mon Jul 25 2022 Just Luxe

Global warming is a concern that can no longer be ignored. The yachting industry has contributed its fair share to the carbon-di-oxide emissions, and there have been conscious efforts to combat and design eco-friendly designs. One such amazing designer is Rob Doyle; with a two-decade experience in the large yacht sector, he is a visionary. "Just because superyachts are what they are now, does not mean they should stay this way. We were constantly looking at every aspect of the design and saying, 'is there a better way? We truly believe that this project will redefine what a multi-hull sailing superyacht can be.", says Rob Doyle.