Marinemotion Launches New Content Marketing Platform for Recreational Marine Industry

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Tue Mar 21 2023 · BoaterPress

marinemotion® inc., a leading provider of marine industry marketing solutions, has announced the expansion of its BoaterBase content marketing platform with the addition of BoaterPress, a targeted press release service. The platform is designed to help marine businesses of all sizes create, manage, and distribute high-quality content to attract and engage their target audiences.

The recreational marine industry is a highly competitive market, and businesses need to stand out in order to succeed. marinemotion®'s new content marketing platform provides a comprehensive solution for marine businesses looking to establish themselves as experts in their field, generate leads, and drive sales.

The BoaterBase platform includes a variety of tools and features, including a highly editable, multimedia boat listing platform and lead generation system. The new BoaterPress, while integrated with BoaterBase, is a stand alone site providing PR services targeted to the diverse boating world. These tools work together to make it easy for marine businesses to create, manage, and distribute high-quality content.

"We're excited to offer this new platform to the recreational marine industry," said Joseph Andrade, principal at marinemotion®. "We understand the unique challenges that marine businesses face, and our content marketing platform is designed to help them overcome those challenges and succeed in this competitive market."